Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!!

 Finally, a holiday set up so you can EAT and RELAX. 

Unless, you are alone, or homeless. 

We have listed here (on the right side) a list of places that need our lovingly hand-made items. Of course, the list is not exhaustive, but there are enough there that if you want to give of the excess that your love of hand making has created there are many persons out there that would love to have what you have made.

As Amy said in the CBS video (see post below) "Those who knit and crochet (are) those who are naturally generous...we all make so much more than we can use ourselves." This is very true, so if you are one of the generous ones who has a large amount of handmade things you would like to share, please look into the links and see who you would like to give to.

Friday Friends, the group of us that meet on Fridays is NOT meeting this Friday Nov. 26 because of Thanksgiving. So, if you want to join with a wonderful group of people to create fibery things, come to Optimism Brewing on Friday, Dec 2, 1-3pm.

We are thankful for all of you that read this!

Monday, November 21, 2022

CBS showed us at our labor of love!

 CBS News interviewed one of our own Friday Friends the day we put out the handmade goodies in Cal Anderson Park.

Here is the segment from their website:

'Knitters of Doom' share handmade winter warmers with Capitol Hill community - CW Seattle (cbsnews.com)

Friday, November 18, 2022

We Had a Give-Away at Cal Anderson Park Today

 The Friday Friends of the Capitol Hill Knitters of Doooom met today at Cal Anderson to set out our Give-Away items. We decided last year that we would knit/crochet/weave scarves, hats, mittens, whatever we felt like to give out to the homeless. We chose Cal Anderson Park, picked a corner with trees that we liked and hung up our hand-made items. It was fun and we planned it again for this year. 

We met a lot of people that were thankful that we were doing this. We met people who joined us to knit. We had some that brought a hat to share. We were thankful that the sun was shining, and it wasn't as cold as last year. 

We decided that if we gave away our items closer to Thanksgiving then more people would be able to get some warm things before it got as cold as December. However, the cold sneaked up on us and everyone could have used these warm things much sooner. 

This will be a yearly Give Away. If you are interested in helping us, please use the contact form below. If you are in need of donations for your group, also use the contact form below. We love to create, and we want someone to benefit from our creations. One wise person said today, "I only have one head and I make hats every week!"

Thanks to all those that worked so hard to donate this year.

Capitol Hill Knitters of Doooom Has a Website!!

This group on Ravelry (Ravelry: Capitol Hill Knitters of Doooom) was started in December 2007. While a lot of the first members are no longer living ON Capitol Hill, it doesn't matter as there are still knitters and crocheters who meet in Capitol Hill to work on our obsessions!

On August 2, 2019, a bunch of us met at Victrola on 15th Ave E to ply our craft together on Friday afternoons. Then came the Lockdown and we didn't meet again until July 9, 2021! We know ourselves as the Friday knitters/crocheters or Friends. 

Now, we meet every Friday from 1pm until 3pm at Optimism Brewing on the corner of East Union and Broadway across from the Polyclinic.

We are an awesome diverse group of people of all ages, talents and abilities. We knit, crochet, weave, spin, cross stitch, quilt and talk!

You are welcome to come and visit with us or join us in creating.

If you have questions, please comment or use the contact form at the bottom of the site and I will get back to you as soon as possible, you know, "let me finish this row, first."